SEO for adult & dating web sites is different on some grounds, like most of the sites won’t accept adult web sites for submissions and nobody would like to connect to a adult web site.

Further More you would not find a lots of companies providing SEO Services for Porn or Adult Web Sites.

Just like any other niche, Keyword research is the most important aspect for adult SEO 2.0. If you have a personal escort website or host an escort agency, you understand how difficult it is to get ranked on search engines.

In the US, revenue from the sexual wellness niche is estimated to grow to $52 billion by 2020. Each month, the adult industry sites drive more traffic than Amazon, Twitter and Netflix combined.
Considering how lucrative this industry is, if you do adult SEO right, you’ll be laughing all the way to the bank.
The challenge is figuring out the best adult SEO tactics. You need to get targeted adult traffic with a high conversion rate. Not just any traffic.

What is Adult SEO?

If you want your website to receive traffic through Google or any other search engine, gaining first page rankings is absolutely vital. This is mainly because most web traffic goes to first page sites.

In fact it is fair to say most people don’t really attempt to look beyond the first page.

As more and more people realize the importance of Search Engine Optimization, it is becoming abundantly clear that without the right approach, increasing traffic to your website can be a tough task.

And when you are doing this task for an Adult Web Site, It’s called Adult SEO.

How Adult Search Engine Optimization is Different From Normal SEO?

SEO for adult web sites is different on some grounds, like most of the sites won’t accept adult web sites for submissions and nobody would like to connect to a adult web site.

Further More you would not find a lots of companies providing SEO Services for Porn or Adult Web Sites.

Just like any other niche, Keyword research is the most important aspect of  Adult SEO.

Let’s dive into it.

Keyword Research for PORN SEO:

As a website owner, you want to research the best keywords that will help rank your website.

The approach you take depends on the audience you are targeting. For Adult SEO, you must really think outside the box because there are many keywords that most search engines classify as inappropriate.

In fact, few of the keyword research tool would not show correct volume or zero volume for the highly targeted keywords.

If you want to dominate the adult Industry Search Engine Optimization, You must work hard on your Adult Keyword Research first.

Understand Your Target Audience

Know who wants your content. Then target your adult site marketing efforts at the right people.
Here are a few pointers to help you:

  1. Higher porn site subscriptions come from urban areas, compared to rural areas
  2. More subscriptions come from people in households with higher than average incomes
  3. Locations with many 15- to 24-year-olds have higher subscriptions
  4. More subscriptions come from people with undergraduate degrees

By understanding your target users, you can present content which they like. Hence, they’ll pick your site when searching for pornographic material.

Use Long Tail Keywords For More Adult Traffic

This is an SEO tactic that applies to any type of site – not just adult SEO, And it works.
Long tail keywords don’t have incredibly huge monthly searches. However, they have minimal competition. Just imagine targeting a keyword found only in a handful of other websites.
How do you find such keywords?
To do this, you have to think like your typical user. What would they search when looking for porn? What unique preferences do they have?
What types of fantasies do they crave? What kind of experience are they looking for?
Every user has a unique perspective. So, even if they may search for the same thing, they’ll do it in different ways. For instance, ladies may be more inclined to romantic themes compared to men.

Excel in Onsite SEO

Onsite SEO is a key area you must never neglect. Everything else you do outside your site will go to waste if your site isn’t adult SEO optimized.
Here are the key areas to improve onsite SEO:

Image Optimization:

According to a study, 45% of referral traffic comes from Google image search. So You have to be very serious about image optimization in this industry. You should put all the efforts to make all of your images indexed and found by search Engines. You should do keyword research and put different ALT tags for different images on your site.

Video Optimization:

You might have lots of videos on your own site or other tube sites if you are running a site in Adult niche.You should make sure that the title , description are well suited to your targeted keywords.

Unique and Quality Content

There’s a whole lot of porn online. In fact, porn makes up 5-15 percent of all websites. Therefore, to stand out among them, your site must have quality, original content.
In simple terms, never plagiarize.

Loading Speed:

Google counts every second when it comes to loading speed of the site. Mostly adult web sites with a huge no of videos tends to load slower, if you can decrease the load time you can stay ahead of the competition.

Adult Submissions:

Most of the main stream sites dont accept adult web sites. so you should gather a list of directories and sites which accept adult web sites. There are particular Adult directories and adult blogs where you can put your link. You should hire a professional adult seo service company to do the job for you.

Off-Page Optimization for Adult Sites

Link Exchange:

Link exchange can be really fun for this industry. They not only provide you with direct traffic, they pass a lots of link juice to your site and make it look more authoritative.

Adult Blog Network:

Blog Networks work like crazy for adult web sites. You can make your own blog network or you can go with any network which accepts adult web sites and it can do the trick for you.

Use Social Media to Get Free Adult Traffic

Social Media sites such as Reddit have a lot of NSFW (Not Safe For Work) boards which allow users to submit links to their videos, this is a great source for free adult traffic. You can also use twitter, however be careful with the type of content you tweet, Remember to mark your account as NSFW to avoid reports. Another huge social media platform for adult content was Tumblr however they recently decided on closing down all adult related blogs.

Continuous Content Creation

Consistent new content creation can help boost your site’s ranking. It will also contribute to users coming back to your site for more content. They are also likely to subscribe to your site.
The content you put up should be based on your target users’ interests.
Most of all, your content should be captivating and engaging. This will reduce your site’s bounce rate, which affects ranking.
More content also creates an opportunity to use a variety of keywords. This expands your potential to derive adult web traffic through search engines.

Get Professional Adult SEO Services

Although you can do SEO on your own, it might not be as effective as a professional Adult SEO service. Professionals have experience in utilizing multiple strategies and techniques. They understand what works, how and why.
Doing it on your own will require continuous trial and error. This will significantly reduce efficiency and effectiveness.
You could also use services like Ahrefs to view the backlinks of your competitors and try to build up a clearer picture on how they are doing it.

Buy Traffic from Adult Advertising

Advertising on major adult related websites seems to be the most common way many webmasters use to increase visitors, the key with buying adult traffic is getting repeat visitors.
Many adult websites rely on AD views to create revenue and if your paying for visitors then its going to be difficult to make every hit return some sort of profit.
Making sure your visitor has a good experience is key to this, fast loading media, no intrusive pop ups or redirects and giving them the content they want without having to dive through too many hoops is ideal.
If your website has a catchy brand or logo then that’s even best because most visitors could be browsing your website in “Private” mode meaning they will have no history of your website address.
If you are interested in buying adult traffic, We currently have access to over 60 million adult visitors a month on our network, all adult web visitors are generated via pop under advertising.

In Summary

Although adult sites are among the highest drivers of web traffic, it is also a fact that the adult niche is over saturated. The key to having a successful adult SEO strategy is to stand out from the competition.

If you are not unique, it will be difficult to be seen on the search engines.